An airport wireless connection to access all services wherever you are
ADR Tel manages one of the largest public Wi-Fi networks in Europe with over 3000 CISCO Access Points that ensure full Wi-Fi coverage to standard 802.11a/c in the 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz band within the Fiumicino and Ciampino terminals, the main office buildings and the main aircraft parking areas.

Wi-Fi VLAN access ensures localised Wi-Fi coverage in a specific customer area (VIP room, shop, office, warehouse) with a high number of simultaneous accesses according to customer needs.
The W-iFi Lounge access mode includes:
- Defined Wi-Fi coverage area
- Shared and hidden
- SSID 802.1x access with individual credentials (username and password)
If necessary, dedicated APs will be installed to ensure the best coverage.

Wi-Fi Lounge access ensures localised Wi-Fi coverage in a specific Customer area (VIP Lounge, Shop, Office, Warehouse) with a high number of simultaneous accesses according to the customer's needs and includes internet access.
The Wi-Fi Lounge access mode includes:
- Defined Wi-Fi coverage area
- Dedicated SSID (visible in broadcast or hidden)
- WPA2/PSK encrypted key access (all users will share the same password)
If necessary, dedicated APs will be installed to ensure the best coverage.
It is also possible to provide customised welcome pages to manage the reception of Lounge guests.

Nomadic Wi-Fi access ensures Wi-Fi coverage everywhere in the airport areas reached by the ADR Tel network and with a predefined number of accesses and includes Internet access.
Nomadic Wi-Fi service includes:
- Unlimited Wi-Fi coverage area over the entire ADR Tel network Shared and hidden SSID
- 802.1x access with individual credentials (username and password)

Our integrated services
for companies

ADR Tel's technological response to airport connectivity requests.

The integrated point-to-point physical connectivity service range for businesses.
Contact us
If you are already an ADR Tel customer and you have a problem with one of our products you can call our dedicated technical support. Our customer care is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are always ready to help you!

+39 06 6595 5151
24 hours a day - 365 days a year