We are leaders in the development of ICT solutions for airport communities

We design platforms for all kinds of airport needs. We provide our know-how for high-level consulting services for all stakeholders involved in the sector.

Telecommunications operator and internet service provider (ISP), internet services, IP networks, Wi-Fi, telephony and data.

Who we contact
Our range is dedicated to all sectors involved in the airport business, including cargo and logistics, security, retail, catering and car rental.
We make
Italy's largest
airport work
How ADR Tel was founded and how it has evolved over the years
On 12 February 1974, the parent company, Aeroporti di Roma, was established. This company is the exclusive concessionaire for the management and development of the capital's airport system. .
The company, ADR - Aeroporti di Roma, became private, through the divestment (concluded in 2000) of the shareholdings held by the State.
In 2002, ADR Tel acquired the voice, data and Internet licences to operate in the telecommunications sector. Over the years, with the growth of the company, ADR Tel's range has expanded to include other integrated TLC solutions.
Contact us
We have a preferential
route for you
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